We Donã¢â‚¬â„¢t Seem to Recognize That Order Number or Email. Please Double Check and Try Again.

Understanding and Troubleshooting Failed Orders

Written by Kathryn Marr on September ii, 2021 Blog, Sell Online.

When an order fails on your site, it can exist frustrating and confusing for both you and your client. Why didn't it go through? Is there something incorrect with your store? Did the customer fill something out incorrectly? What steps should yous have next?

Nosotros're going to walk you through some of the most common payment errors, why they occur, and how to troubleshoot each ane.

How to find out why a payment failed in WooCommerce

And then how do you lot know if an order failed? A customer might reach out to yous and let you lot know that they received an error message when checking out. You might meet a red "Failed" warning in your club dashboard, or you lot might receive an email letting y'all know an order failed.

list of orders, including a failed order

Your first step is to discover out the reason that the payment didn't go through. To practise so:

  1. Go to WooCommerce → Orders in the WordPress dashboard (WP Admin).
  2. Observe the guild that failed. There will be a cherry-red "Failed" message side by side to it, or you can search by customer name or order number. Click the order number to notice more than information.
  3. In the right hand column, you'll encounter a box titled Order Notes with a total listing of club details. At that place, you lot'll come across the message, "Guild status inverse from Pending payment to Failed" forth with a separate note listing the reason.
order note showing a declined card and failed order

Common reasons for failed orders and how to troubleshoot them

Allow'due south explore some of the most common errors you might run into in Order Notes or on the front end end of your site. Note that the verbal error message that you see will depend on the payment gateway you're using. Order notes may as well show an error code specific to your gateway that you can use for inquiry or when speaking to customer back up.

The customer's card was declined

What error message will you lot see?

The fault bulletin will say something like, "The card was declined." You lot may receive more details about what went wrong, such as an invalid CVV code or exceeded transaction limit.

What causes this error?

There are a ton of reasons that a carte du jour could be declined: The customer'due south bank account may have insufficient funds. Their carte du jour may be expired. Their card may accept spending limits that they've exceeded. They may have entered their information incorrectly.

What steps should you take to resolve the error?

If you sell subscriptions, WooCommerce Subscriptions will automatically attempt the card once again several times earlier changing the status to On Concord. This gives the customer aplenty fourth dimension to add together more than funds to their bank account.

When purchasing any kind of product, customers volition see an error message on the checkout page, giving them the opportunity to input their information once again or update the credit card on their account.

If a subscription renewal fails, they'll receive an e-mail notifying them that their payment didn't go through.

For unmarried-purchase products, information technology's probably not viable to contact each person and ask them to attempt their buy again. Merely, if you accept an established relationship with the customer, y'all may want to accomplish out and provide some assist. Even with electronic mail notifications and fault messages, not anybody realizes that their guild didn't go through.

In that location's an authentication issue

What error message will y'all see?

The error message will say something like, "Authentication required" or "The request could non be authorized."

What causes this error?

This typically occurs when your site is having trouble connecting to your payment gateway. Your account information (like username and password) may exist wrong, for instance.

Square connection settings
WooCommerce connection options for the Square payment gateway

What steps should you take to resolve the error?

Get-go past double-checking the payment gateway settings in WooCommerce. Confirm that your API key is working and that your username and password are correct. If this doesn't prepare the issue, endeavour disconnecting from your payment gateway completely, then reconnecting. If necessary, attain out to your provider'southward back up team.

A indistinguishable transaction was submitted

What mistake message will you see?

The mistake message will say something like, "A duplicate transaction has been submitted."

What causes this error?

This error occurs when multiple transactions with the same information (credit bill of fare number, proper noun, address, etc.) are placed within a few minutes of each other. This tin can happen if someone tries to identify the same order several times in a curt fourth dimension menstruation — a potential indicator of fraud.

What steps should you take to resolve the error?

If a legitimate customer reaches out after receiving an error message, encourage them to try again in a few minutes. Perhaps they put in their CVV lawmaking incorrectly and tried to fix it, inadvertently setting off the duplicate order filter.

If you're seeing these types of errors over and over again from the same person, it could exist fraud. You may want to cake their IP address or username with a firewall plugin or set up up an anti-fraud extension. The adept news is that your payment gateway has already stepped in to protect you!

Your API primal is expired

What error message will you see?

The mistake bulletin will say something similar, "API key expired."

What causes this error?

API keys are used to connect your payment gateway to your WooCommerce store. Typically, you enter them in the payment gateway settings in your WordPress dashboard. This fault message tin occur if your API keys are entered incorrectly or if your account has been disconnected.

What steps should you take to resolve the mistake?

Log into your payment gateway and obtain your new API keys — each provider should have documentation on finding these. Then, update them in your WooCommerce settings.

At that place'south a site event

What fault message volition y'all see?

The error message will vary widely. Search for the error lawmaking from your social club notes using your payment gateway's documentation — this will help you determine if the problem is with your site.

What causes this mistake?

Typically, site errors are acquired by outdated software (like WordPress core, themes, and plugins), server issues, or plugin conflicts.

What steps should you lot take to resolve the error?

Hither are a few great steps to have when troubleshooting. Between each pace, examination your checkout process to see if the mistake has resolved earlier trying the next 1.

  1. Get-go by updating WordPress, along with all of your themes and extensions.
  2. Switch to a default theme like Storefront or Twenty Twenty-One.
  3. Temporarily deactivate all of your extensions, other than WooCommerce and your payment gateway.
  4. Bank check your WooCommerce system status for errors and troubleshoot whatever that arise.
  5. Bank check your WordPress site health for any potential problems and set up whatsoever that you notice.
WordPress site health dashboard

If none of those steps fix the trouble, reach out to one of our Happiness Engineers for support.

How to prevent failed payments

Of course, there is no way to prevent all failed payments, only ideally, you'd like every bit few as possible. Here are a few steps you tin take:

ane. Arrive simple for customers to update credit card information

Ensure that customers can update the information on their business relationship if their credit card is expired or canceled. They tin do this by default with an account, so if yous only have guest checkout enabled, you lot may want to too turn on account creation.

You lot tin can do this by going to WooCommerce → Settings → Accounts & Privacy, and checking the box next to "Allow customers to create an account during checkout."

2. Plow on electronic mail notifications for failed payments

While email notifications subsequently a failed order don't prevent information technology from happening, they can help y'all recover the auction. You can enable these with an extension like AutomateWoo, which allows you to ready up emails when certain triggers occur — like a failed social club status.

Or, you could create a follow-upward electronic mail for failed subscription payments with the WooCommerce Follow-Ups extension. Choose a time frame afterward a failed payment (similar xxx minutes or two days) and add whatever content you'd like to the electronic mail. This is a great way to inform regular customers who may not know their subscription is on hold. And if y'all include a coupon code for 10% off or free shipping on their side by side box, shoppers who planned to cancel may update their payment information and remain a subscriber for years to come!

3. Regularly test your checkout process

Every once in a while, have the time to become through your entire checkout procedure and make certain that everything is working properly. This will aid you lot catch potential issues before your customers meet them.

4. Consistently update WordPress, extensions, and themes

By updating all of your software when the latest version is bachelor, yous can avoid potential conflicts and prepare bugs before they go an issue. If you don't want to worry near remembering, yous tin enable automobile-updates in WordPress or utilise a plugin like Jetpack to automatically update everything.

risk levels of various orders

5. Implement fraud prevention methods

If you starting time seeing a lot of duplicate payment errors or other signs of fraudulent orders, put some security measures in place across your site. WooCommerce Anti-Fraud automatically detects and prevents society fraud, so they're blocked correct away.

6. Permit customers relieve multiple credit cards

Past allowing customers with accounts to have multiple cards on file, they tin apace switch to another if they're having problems with one. No need to become off the couch and hunt for some other option!

To do this, you lot'll demand to use a payment gateway that allows for saved cards, like WooCommerce Payments. Shoppers tin can then cull to save their payment information to their account for future use when checking out.

Don't be thrown by failed orders

Failed orders are an unavoidable part of running an online store, but doing a little maintenance and understanding why they occur can aid you prevent them and even plow them into sales.

Have questions nearly failed orders? Feel free to ask in the comments or accomplish out to our support squad.

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Source: https://woocommerce.com/posts/understand-and-fix-failed-order-status-in-woocommerce/

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