Any Damage to the Brooklyn Arts Center After Florence

The new Surf City Police building will be located in the Surf City Municipal building along with Town Hall.

For many years, a constabulary station adjacent to the sandy shores of Surf Urban center was home for Chief Ron Shanahan and fellow officers — but that changed when an unwanted tourist named Hurricane Florence wreaked havoc on the island.

"Being that we're on the embankment right at present, it's just challenging when you get a storm that'southward blowing on shore," Shanahan said while packing upwardly boxes. "Yous got evidence, yous got all of your files … you lot got everything to pull out of here and get over to the mainland."

Along with other Surf City officials, the department recently moved into a new $6 million municipal circuitous on the mainland, which combines the police section and boondocks hall in one location.

"Information technology'southward certainly going to be a blessing to be in a facility and be able to crouch downwardly and operate when the storm comes," Shanahan said.

The old town hall on was destroyed past Florence, leaving town officials with a determination to stay on the island or move to the mainland. To be stronger for future conditions events, Town Manager Kyle Breuer and officials decided to cross the bridge.

"Being able to bring them nether one roof, it certainly has been beneficial for us," Breuer said. "We expect frontwards to working in this mode moving forward."

Related coverage:Surf Metropolis puts its government building up for sale

More:Pay to play: Surf Urban center approves parking fees. When does it start?

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Breuer applauded Monteith Construction for finishing the work and getting everybody settled on time. Before the move, employees worked out of ii temporarily locations, a community heart and an older building on the island.

Construction began in June 2020 after belongings owner Allan Sullivan donated land. The project was completed in the bound with funds from the auction of the old property, insurance money from damage to the previous town hall and grants from the Federal Emergency Management Agency and the Aureate LEAF Foundation.

The estimated marketplace value of the old police section building is $ii.75 million, and the estimated market value of the town-owned land is $982,000, according to the existent estate appraisals. Pivot Parking, a parking management firm, is currently using the first floor of the previous police force edifice at 305 N. New River Road.

Main assures same quality of service volition go along for island, mainland

To avoid future headaches of being and then close to time to come storms and to better serve residents, the constabulary department was one of the last to pack up. Located at 214 Westward. Florence Way, the new complex is next to Publix. Due to zip code boundaries, the building is nether a Hampstead accost merely the project is fully operated past Surf City leaders.

For Shanahan, this will be his fourth time moving to a new edifice during his 28 years of service in Surf City. Most 12 years of them were spent at the old facility. After getting settled on April 30, this year volition be his beginning time working from a department on the mainland with more than xx officers.

"As nosotros keep growing, at some bespeak in time, this will be the center of town," he said. "Surf City is no longer just an isle."

When he started with Surf Urban center, the only annexed holding on the mainland side was the Food Panthera leo shopping heart, before the evolution of more than stores and housing followed.

"I think it's going to be very beneficial for everybody in the community, being essentially in the center of boondocks," Shanahan said.

Some of the advantages of beingness in a new building include more security, a state-of-the-art storage area for evidence intake. But the best part is having refuge from major storms. During hurricanes they stayed at an former firehouse.

"We would exist separated from other town entities and staffing, so advice at times was difficult," Shanahan said. "Now, the town'southward administrative staff, town manager, and mayor's office is under i roof, which is going to be great for communications and operations.

"Not that nosotros need another hurricane, we had plenty of those," Shanahan said. "But certainly, it's been fantastic."

Moving forwards, Shanahan assured the same level of service will continue both the mainland and the island, which receives a lot of visitors from North Carolina and out-of-state tourists. Going back to the old swing bridge days, Shanahan said the department felt it was important to take officers patrolling the mainland and the island.

"We've always had officers on the isle and mainland," he said. "We ever had a supervisor floating in between, so as far response time, I don't think that's going to be an issue at all."

Reporter Chase Jordan tin can be reached at


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